Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A Thousand Apologies For The Delays

I know, I know! We're late!

Shit's been kinda hectic and I guess I'm gonna be flying solo for a while. I filmed Episode Four (with special guest hosts Sean Gabay and Andy Shworles) on a different camera than we normal use. The shoot turned out great BUT this camera had a drawback. The files go into the computer as QuickTime MOV files, which, if you're a computer geek you'll know, can't be directly edited. So I've been scrambling all over trying to find a free program to convert them to .avi files so I can edit them. I downloaded what seems to be an awesome program but since I don't have it registered, it will only convert the first 5 minutes. So I've finally decided after all this tomfoolery to just buck up and pay to register the program. I figure it'll be used every week so it won't go to waste. Or at least til I get a new camera to do the show with.

So, Episode Four WILL be released (though all the news info is kinda old) for nostalgic purposes. We'll be filming Ep. 5 this weekend and I will have the program all ready to go so I can edit it and have it up Monday. So next Monday, two episodes will be posted here. Episode Four (which contains a couple-weeks-old news, but you still might find it entertaining) and Episode Five (which will be considered the current episode). Then after that, expect a new episode every Monday like old times.

Unfortunately, the people running the Fangoria convention wouldn't give us press clearance for interviews (probably because they think we're gonna make fun of some of the stars)(....). I'm gonna try some strategery (SNL reference) and hopefully finagle ourselves some interviews. Nevertheless, I'll still be there Saturday, so come say hi if you see me.

So! Looking forward to this Monday. Hopefully you're doing fine shaking off the aftermath of Civil War.

Love, peace and Nintendo Wii,
Dave Losso


Cory said...
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Cory said...

I've been watching; I enjoy them.